III. Sensory Systems

Topics for in-class quizzes and for YouTube Video 2-Sensory Story.
Please include the specific Stimulus for each modality. Use the following terms in your telling of the Sensory Story being sure to associate the term with the correct class schema (Stimulus, Transduction, Transmission, Sensation/Perception/Cognition).

Vision (400-700 nm)
1. retina
2. cornea
3. lens
4-9. 5 cell layers of retina
10.pupil and iris
11. ganglion cell axons or optic nerve or cranial nerve I
12. LGN
12. occipital lobe
14. optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic track
15. ventral and dorsal pathways

Audition(15 Hz-20,000 Hz)
17. ear canal
18. tympanic mmbrane
19-21. 3 ossicles
22.oval window
23. cochlea
24. hair cells
25. auditory nerve or vestibulocochlear nerve or cranial nerve VIII
26. basilar membrane
27. tectorial membrane
28. superior olivary nuclei
29. MGN
30. inferior colliculi
31. primary auditory cortex

Gustation (HCl, Quinine, NaCl, MSG, Sucrose)
32. tongue
33. papilla
34. tastebuds
35. taste receptors
36. facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)
37. NTS (nucleus of the solitary tract)
38. amygdala
39. hypothalamus
40. VPN
41.  primary taste cortex

Olfaction (airborn chemicals)
42. nose and sinus cavities
43. olfactory receptor cell
44. olfactory receptor protein
45. Olfactory nerve axons
46. olfactory bulb (contains mitral cells)
47. mitral cell axons or cranial nerve I
48. olfactory cortex

Somtosensory System
Dorsal column medial lemniscus  (touch)
49.  touch receptor
50. dermatomes
51. dorsal roots of spinal cord
52. nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus
53. dorsal column nucleus
54. medial lemniscus
55. VPN
56. primary sensory cortex
57. decussation of transmission pathway
58. homonculus

Spinothalamic Tracts  (pain)
59. pain receptor 
60. decussation of transmission pathway 
61. VPN
62. primary sensory cortex
63. limbic systesm
64. emotional associations

Descending Analgesic Circuit
65. Centrifugal pathway
66. PAG
67. endorphins
68. medulla
69. substance P
70. dorsal root

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