Saturday, January 10, 2015

Module 2.1: Cellualr Morphology-Anatomy of Neurons and Glia Cells

Anatomy of Neurons and Glia- MODULES 1.2 &  2.1

   A The histology of Santiago Ramon y Cajal
Cajal was both a physician and an artist. He used his skills to draw images that he saw under the microscope with the help of Golgi staining. Both he and Golgi received the 1906 Nobel Prize. Go here to view some of his drawings.

Q. What is "histology?" 

B. Learn the parts of the neuron.
   Using "Google Image" find a few pictures of the Neuron. These pictures will assist you as you color the pages of Coloring book chapter 3.

 Q. Can you match the pictures, terms and definitions for the following from the coloring book:
3.1: cell body (soma), dendrites, axon, cytoplasm, interstitial fluid, cell membrane (lipid bilayer) terminal buttons (boutons) axon branches (axon terminal)
3.2: nucleus, neurofilaments microtubules
3.3: neurotransmitter molecules; synaptic vesicles
3.4 synapase, receptive area (dendritic arborization), axon hillock, axon shaft

3.5: pre-synaptic membrane, post-synaptic memberane, receptors, neurtransmitter molecule, synaptic vesicle, omega complex
3.6: schwann cells, nodes of Ranvier, Oligodendrocyte myelin sheath

3.7 ion channels, ionotropic receptor

III. The Blood Brain Barrier

Q. How does the brain blood barrier work?

IV. Nourishment in Vertebrate Neurons

Q. What is the importance of glucose to the brain? 
Q. Define a vertebrate neuron.  (Hint: go to CB unit 1.1)

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